Sunday, October 23, 2011

Historic beards

So as we all know, Beards can change,, Nay SAVE the world.
Throughout History, many influential people have had beards.
Kinda makes you wonder if they would be so influential if they never had one...

Lets just take a look at a few shall we?

"Sigmund Freud"

"Jim Morrison"
"Jesus Christ"


"Abraham Lincoln"

"Uncle Jesse"

"Annie Jones (bearded woman)"

"Bearded Dragons"

"Ernest Hemingway"

"keanu reeves"

"John Lennon "

"Colonel Sanders"

"Thomas Travers"

"Joseph Travers"

"Robert Travers"

"John Travers" (no photo available)

"Mr. Pitt"

"Charles Manson"

"Jolly St.Nick"

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