Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I just got's me a new comb.

Maybe it's a brush, either way, it wasn't designed for a mans beard.

I did have two small ones, DESIGNED ESPECIALLY for beards, but I can't seem to find

them now.

Anyhoo, this one is definitely designed for a woman's head.

But it feels SO good.

As I was in the store, My carrier stopped by the Makeup department.

A few months ago, he "bleached" a rat tail he had. and ever sense then, he wanted

to grow a beard and his hair and bleach them.

(Because it would look Awesome,, THAT's why)

So today he inquired about the dangers of bleaching your face, sounds harmless I

know, but his girlfriend says it could "burn" his face.

When he asked the makeup girl if it would be a good idea, she squinted and sad,,,

"Whyyy,, would you do that?"

He assured her it was just for Halloween.

But this woman really advised not to try it.

Be that as it may, I AM awesome, and I might still get him to bleach me.

He'll be fine I'm sure.

Here is a updated photo of me and him.

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