Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I just got's me a new comb.

Maybe it's a brush, either way, it wasn't designed for a mans beard.

I did have two small ones, DESIGNED ESPECIALLY for beards, but I can't seem to find

them now.

Anyhoo, this one is definitely designed for a woman's head.

But it feels SO good.

As I was in the store, My carrier stopped by the Makeup department.

A few months ago, he "bleached" a rat tail he had. and ever sense then, he wanted

to grow a beard and his hair and bleach them.

(Because it would look Awesome,, THAT's why)

So today he inquired about the dangers of bleaching your face, sounds harmless I

know, but his girlfriend says it could "burn" his face.

When he asked the makeup girl if it would be a good idea, she squinted and sad,,,

"Whyyy,, would you do that?"

He assured her it was just for Halloween.

But this woman really advised not to try it.

Be that as it may, I AM awesome, and I might still get him to bleach me.

He'll be fine I'm sure.

Here is a updated photo of me and him.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Historic beards

So as we all know, Beards can change,, Nay SAVE the world.
Throughout History, many influential people have had beards.
Kinda makes you wonder if they would be so influential if they never had one...

Lets just take a look at a few shall we?

"Sigmund Freud"

"Jim Morrison"
"Jesus Christ"


"Abraham Lincoln"

"Uncle Jesse"

"Annie Jones (bearded woman)"

"Bearded Dragons"

"Ernest Hemingway"

"keanu reeves"

"John Lennon "

"Colonel Sanders"

"Thomas Travers"

"Joseph Travers"

"Robert Travers"

"John Travers" (no photo available)

"Mr. Pitt"

"Charles Manson"

"Jolly St.Nick"

Friday, October 21, 2011

Beards can save the world.

So. I've noticed a few people have been growing beards lately.
not just my carrier, but one of his brothers is growing one, my neighbor has started to grow one.
and I hear Conan O'brien has one again.
Maybe it has something to do with Movember coming up.
Beards can do a lot, but I don't see how a mustache helps bring awareness to cancer.
last year, my carrier had a handlebar mustache in November,  but it was purely by chance.
now a full beard on the other hand. that could save the world, yes,,, the world.

Ps. My carrier drank from a water fountain the other day, and I was covered in water.
I should try to get him to use straws from now on.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

eating food.

Eating food is not the cleanest thing to do.
I mean, even soup, today my carrier had some, and at the end of the bowl, he picked it up and drank the last lil bit. and it got all over me.
and I know the longer I get, the worse it will get.
and trying to eat a big messy burger with ketchup and mayo? just forget about it.

and don't even get me started on the topic of when he has a runny nose.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


ok... this is the first blog, of what I'm sure will be a LONG LONG experience.
first let me introduce myself,
I'm Chuck.
I'm a beard.
I live on some guys face, who's face  is not important.
I'm about 7 weeks old.
true story : about an hour ago. I was strolling back home from the store, when a kid told me how nice I looked. I'm sure that will happen a bunch of times. I am beautiful. I do have a little comb that my carrier uses on me. he's ok, he should feel privileged to have me on his face.